Why Do You Get Out of Bed in The Morning?
by Katrina Legault, Planit Canada Marketing Coordinator
I was skeptical about a marketing position in the woodworking industry. I couldn’t really imagine the content, I wasn’t sure if there would be a lot to talk about, and I wasn’t convinced that my content would spark interesting online conversations.
Boy, was I wrong.
I studied Marketing and Management. But, when you study for a business degree, you learn a lot about other fields; every field has its distinct particularities and although some were a nightmare for me to work through, you gain a lot of practical knowledge that carries over into your professional life, once you get to the finish line of your University experience.
Of course, a lot of concepts and theories translate from one field to the other, which brings me to tell you about one that has changed my outlook on business, and how I view the industries that I work in and the people within them.
It’s called The Golden Circle.

Simply put, The Golden Circle (a theory by Simon Sinek) can be explained like this: everyone knows what they do, some know how they do it, but only a small handful of them know why they do what they do.
He delivers an 18 minute TED talk that I’m linking here for your convenience, that I definitely think is worth checking out. Grab a coffee and a pen, you’re going to need it.
But if you don’t feel like watching, here’s the gist of it:
- Simon Sinek emphasizes that profit is a result, not a purpose. If you drive your business for the right reasons, and are passionate about it, success will simply follow.
- “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Plain, simple, powerful.
- He emphasizes the importance of hiring people who believe in what you believe. Because when your team is passionate about their job, and engaged in their role, everybody wins.
People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
-Simon Sinek
As the marketing coordinator and social media manager at Planit Canada, this theory empowers me to create content that’s in line with our vision statement, and our purpose in the woodworking industry. Simon Sinek emphasizes that profit is a result, and that your “why” is the driving force behind what makes your brand succeed.
Here’s the thing about Planit Canada. We don’t sell software. We provide end-to-end solutions for kitchen cabinet & millwork manufacturers across Canada. Our products cover all aspects of the manufacturing process; design, bidding, presentation, field measurements, engineering, reporting, machining, assembly, labor tracking and shipping.
We offer a solution that makes your team smile when they can easily transfer a render from Cabinet Vision to your CNC machine – no fuss, no muss. A solution that allows you to go home at a reasonable hour, and hit a few extra balls on the golf course this weekend because the software gives you the gift of time. Because it maximizes efficiency, and allows you to live a little on the flip side.
Our Vision is to eliminate any task that is detrimental to creativity, productivity or profitability so that all Canadian woodworkers can get back to the business of making beautiful things, enjoying their lives, and loving their families. In short, we want our entire extended family to BE AWESOME in every way.
This is our why. That’s our purpose. And we live and breathe it in everything that we do.
I write it in blogs.
I publish it on social media.
Our sales reps prepare their visits in your shop with it.
The tech team brings it to your integrations.
And Peter Mate, president of Planit Canada, lives it every day all while leading his team in a very innovative and out of the box way.
Software? Sure. A passionate drive to make your shop and your business the best that it can possibly be? That’s the one.
So what gets you out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care about what your business has to contribute? It all comes down to the simplicity of the Golden Circle – What. How. WHY.
This blog refers to the Golden Circle Theory by Simon Sinek. This theory does not belong to Planit Canada, it simply inspired us to publish this blog. Cover photo courtesy of TED talk.