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Planit Canada is made up of awesome individuals who shine even brighter as a team. We are passionate about what we do and what we offer. Please feel free to contact us, we’d love to learn more about you and your operation, and we’ll work together to ensure a fruitful and enduring partnership.

Head Office

PeterMate Bw

Peter Mate


888.824.1474 ext: 707


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Eva McCartney


888.824.1474 ext: 721
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KatieBrecknock Bw

Katie Brecknock

Operations Manager

888.824.1474 ext: 713
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Our Awesome Sales Team

JolantaLukasz Bw

Jolanta Lukasz

Sales Manager

888.824.1474 ext: 727
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Danielle K.

Inside Sales consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 709
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EwaldBecker Bw

Ewald Becker

South Western Ontario Sales Consultant
Member of the Wood Manufacturing Cluster of Ontario

888.824.1474 ext: 714
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JeanBakhache Bw

Jean Bakhache

Quebec and Eastern Ontario

888.824.1474 ext: 730
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LauraJohnson Bw

Laura Johnson

Inside Sales Consultant, Western

888.824.1474 ext: 728
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ChristopheCoallier Nw

Christophe Coallier

Eastern Quebec and Atlantic Canada

888.824.1474 ext: 720
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Brendan Devane Bw

Brendan Devane

British Columbia and Alaska

888.824.1474 ext: 739
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ChristopherMancliere Bw

Christopher Manclière

Senior Software Specialist

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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Domenic Imineo Alt

Domenic Imineo

Ontario Sales Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 742
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Ola Sarumi

Prairies Sales Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 743
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Our Awesome Service Team

JennyWalker Bw

Jenny Walker

Service Manager

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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ChristineBergeron Bw

Christine Bergeron

Technical Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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JimMitchell Bw

Jim Mitchell

System Administrator

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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JasminBreton Bw

Jasmin Breton

Technical Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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Anthony CROP

Anthony Peretu

Technical Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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LucasBaker Bw

Lucas Baker

Technical Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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ClaytonOats Bw

Clayton Oats

Technical Consultant

888.824.1474 ext: 715
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Our Awesome Marketing Team

AmandaGay Bw

Amanda Gay

Marketing & Product Manager
WMC Board of Directors

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