5 Ways to Get the Most Out of eSupport
By Jenny Walker, Service Manager at Planit Canada.
I have eSupport open on one of my screens pretty much all day long. So do all Planit Canada technical consultants and many CABINET VISION users across the world! Those of us who use it a lot have figured out some tricks for searching and posting effectively so we get relevant answers, quickly. I’ll highlight some ways to get the most out of eSupport and help you get quick answers to your sticky questions.
Search No Further Than the Search Bar
Much improved in recent years, the search function can show you all relevant information pertaining to your query across forums, wikis and other tools. You can specify where you’d like to look; you may decide you only want to search files, or only want to search within the version you are using. You can even type in the numbers of your error code and immediately find your solution in a wiki. This is the first place I go if I encounter an issue that I suspect could be common (but I’m not sure how to resolve it).

Forums are Your Friends
The great thing about these forums is that, not only are you getting answers from a vast worldwide network of other Cabinet Vision users – you’re also getting answers directly from support technicians at Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence and from Chip Martin, the Market and Product Manager, himself!
Tips, Tricks & Fun Facts About Forums
Suggested and Verified Answers. When searching through existing threads for your answer, look out for a ‘Suggested Answer’ highlighted in yellow. This is an answer that has been provided by an active forum user. You may also see a ‘Verified Answer’ highlighted in green – this answer has been verified by one of the Hexagon technicians.

Use the subcategories! When posting a question in a forum, you’re most likely to get a relevant and timely answer if you use the subcategories. You can consider posting your question in the subcategory for the version you are using, or break it down further, by the features or functions you are having trouble with (ex. UCS, Catalog Editor, Closets).
The subject line is important. This provides the basis for future searches. In choosing a subject for your question, think in terms of keywords (not curse words!). The more you use that search function, the more you’ll realise how important the subject line is!
Is your issue repeatable? The forums are best suited to help with repeatable, testable issues (rather than general ‘how-to’ training type questions). In your text description, try to explain your issue concisely and feel free to include screen shots! The best way to ensure you get the answer you’re looking for from the Hexagon technicians is to keep the body of your message concise, with as many relevant details as possible. The techs will need to be able to repeat and test in order to provide your solution.
Have Fun with Files (But Not Too Much Fun)
Our only tip for the Files area is, truly, try not to have too much fun with these all at once! With such a large collection of downloadable files (some EXE and some PKG) for objects, CAD extras, custom catalogs, hardware packages, textures and more – you may be tempted to install a bunch of them all at once. We suggest avoiding possible hiccups and do one at a time followed by testing.
Some Things to Know About Files:
Check your product compatibility. Before hitting the download button, check both the Level Compatibility and the Version Compatibility. This will let you know if you’ll be able to access any UCSs or Intelli-joints in the package.

Don’t forget to download the Installation File! When you click to download a file, you’ll see further details about version compatibility and an installation file – it’s worth the read! Some of these notes explain how to use the package items.

What’s New With Wikis?
Check the ‘What’s New’ folder in Wikis to see what’s new in each different version. You will also see a concise description for all the programming issues that have been corrected in the past – these are all the resolved issues. If you’re dealing with an error code and using an older version of Cabinet Vision, you’ll be able to see in what version and build it’s been corrected.
Turn Up the Volume on Videos
All newly organized into groups by topics ranging from assemblies, to job properties, to webinar recordings. There also conversations related to the videos, so you can pose a question relating to that specific topic.
Looking forward to seeing you in the online community!