Cabinet Vision Gives Stylecraft More Customer Time
Traditional Cabinet Making with Modern Technology Advantages
An Irish kitchen and bedroom specialist says CABINET VISION software has slashed the time taken to manufacture all the cabinets & doors for a single installation, from days to just a couple of hours. And they put the time saved to a different use from the way most companies would – with enhanced customer service.

“CABINET VISION has been one of the biggest drivers in moving the company forward, in years. When the recession ended, we looked at how we could start moving the business forward again. CABINET VISION was the solution. In the beginning it was just something that interested us, that we thought could be advantageous. It very quickly became absolutely essential.”
Paul Phillips, Director
Paul Phillips, Director of Stylecraft Kitchens & Bedrooms, which works mainly with end-user customers and architects, says the state-of-the-art software means they can combine traditional cabinet making with the advantages of modern technology. “It saves us so much time with manufacturing. And it also means we can now make so much more ourselves, so we no longer have to buy components in. This saves considerable administration time as we don’t have to place orders with suppliers for those items.”
Previously, they also suffered from added time pressures as door deliveries could take up to six weeks, with further delays if design changes were made.
“While we may have been making a number of kitchens a week using the panel saw, we could now produce many more. But we didn’t necessarily want to do that. So instead, we invest a lot of the time it saves us, with our customers and creating new designs. We now have extra time available to us to ensure that the positive customer experience is something to be remembered.”
He says CABINET VISION has been one of the biggest drivers in moving the company forward, in years. “When the recession ended, we looked at how we could start moving the business forward again. CABINET VISION was the solution. In the beginning it was just something that interested us, that we thought could be advantageous. It very quickly became absolutely essential. We’d be quite anxious now if the computer wouldn’t switch on in the morning.”
They went down the CNC and software route to improve standards and explore new opportunities, and saw instant benefits. “For the first time it enabled us to visualise everything we were doing, including joints and construction methods. Even now, we’re using it more and more every week, doing new things. And we are currently working with the CABINET VISION support team on developing a range of new products, including new doors and cabinets.”
Now, all of their products – whether they be inframe oak, ash and tulip wood kitchens, or carcases for their contemporary and classic ranges – are designed with their CABINET VISION Solid Ultimate module, and the NC code is then sent by Screen to Machine to the Cosmec CNC router which they purchased in November 2017.
One of the early benefits was peace of mind, meaning that they were no longer worrying about the timeframe to complete a project. He says they quickly became more relaxed about it, knowing that the machine would run constantly for the duration of the job, turning everything out in a short space of time, and guaranteeing product quality every time.
“I can also work on something in CABINET VISION a short period of time before I need it. Previously I’d have to think about something two or three days beforehand, but now I simply send the code out to the CNC router within minutes of starting a new cabinet or door.
“Before using CABINET VISION I didn’t realise the lack of limitations it has. It can do so much more than I originally thought. It’s been a complete revelation to us, from previously cutting everything on the panel saw, to now producing precision parts that are 100 per cent accurate every time in a shorter time frame. CABINET VISION ensures the lines that you see when the doors and cabinets are installed, are absolutely perfect: for example, a 2.5 mm margin will be exactly that all the way round.”
Labels are also printed through the software. As an example he cites reverse machining on doors, saying that when the front nest has been machined, labels are created and a portable bar code scanner reads them for the reverse machining. “Moving ahead, we look forward to the eagerly awaited software update with improved graphics that will mean we will be able to design, price and manufacture using CABINET VISION.”
Concluding, he says three other companies have invested in CABINET VISION on his recommendation. And another company is going to look at the latest release. “If he likes it…which I’m sure he will…he’s planning to buy his first CNC router. That is the impact CABINET VISION is having in the Irish woodworking business.”
About the Company
Name: Stylecraft
Business: Kitchen and bedroom specialist
Benefits Achieved
- Software has slashed the time taken to manufacture all the cabinets & doors for a single installation, from days to just a couple of hours
- Can now manufacture more in-house, so they no longer have to buy certain components in
- Better customer service due to a decreased lead time
- Guaranteed product quality, producing precision parts that are 100 per cent accurate every time