eSupport How-To : Get the Notifications You Actually Want
Contributed by Planit technical consultant, Christine Bergeron.
The last thing you need is more useless emails crowding your inbox. The CABINET VISION eSupport forum understands this and has created an easy way to turn on notifications for only the updates you actually want to receive. This simple trick is often overlooked so I wanted to share it with you because it comes in handy for me all the time! This morning, for example, I received a notification that version 2022.2 had been released. (That was the trigger I needed to start translating any new text in the software for our French-Canadian audience!)
For people wondering if they are up to date on their software and want to be in the know, this might be your safest bet for keeping track of where Cabinet Vision is at. Obviously, you might not be going on the website every day to toggle on all sections to see what’s new, but it is possible to turn on notifications on the very basic, “Cabinet Vision Information” channel.

Turning on the notification will send you an email when something happens in the Cabinet Vision Information channel or the “news” channel. You can also turn on notifications to follow a particular forum conversation or to follow a CABV# or bug fix.

At Planit Canada, our team excels at providing unparalleled support and training on all of our cabinet shop software programs, including CABINET VISION, our leading CNC cabinet design software. We will work with you as your business grows, answering your questions, helping you improve your processes and production line efficiency, and providing you with ongoing learning opportunities. To learn more about our exceptional training and support services, visit this page: Training & Support.