From Design to Delivery: Splitting Large Parts in Cabinet Vision
- 1.Become a CABINET VISION Power User: Navigating the Texture Manager [VIDEO]
- 2.A Guide to Panel Stock Materials in CABINET VISION [VIDEO]
- 3.Elevate Your Designs with CABINET VISION’s x2D CAD Multiplier [VIDEO]
- 4.How to Import and Install Packages in CABINET VISION [VIDEO]
- 5.How to Modify Cabinets and Expand Your Design Catalog in CABINET VISION [VIDEO]
- 6.How to Create a Toe Height Attribute in CABINET VISION: A Step-by-Step Guide [VIDEO]
- 7.How to Adjust Sunlight and Shadows in CABINET VISION Renders [VIDEO Tutorial]
- 8.Mastering Room Mirroring in CABINET VISION: A Step-by-Step Guide
- 9.From Design to Delivery: Splitting Large Parts in Cabinet Vision
Sometimes, reality doesn’t match the design. Those sleek, large cabinets and panels you’ve created might be too big to transport, fit through an elevator, or even optimize on a single material sheet. But don’t worry—Cabinet Vision’s xShaping module makes splitting oversized parts seamless and hassle-free.
Watch the full tutorial below to see how you can easily add splits to large parts and save yourself time, effort, and stress.
Watch the video tutorial below.
Click here for video transcript
Sometimes, in our private or commercial jobs, we may have cabinets or parts that are just too big or too long to be delivered and installed in their integrity as one piece. As a designer or engineer, there are some things we just have to keep in mind while drawing up our projects. Perhaps your ends or your kickers are just longer or wider than what you can actually optimize on one sheet in reality, or you may not have the means, like a truck long enough, to deliver those parts as one. Or even, when you’re going to install these parts, you may face different constraints on what will even just fit through the doors.
I remember I was once delivering a job, and most of the kickers and end panels didn’t fit through the elevator, so we had to carry them up something like eight or nine flights of stairs. Which didn’t kill me, but we can help ourselves out by splitting our parts in two whenever it’s possible. Fortunately, Cabinet Vision has a heaps good solution for this. When we have the xShaping module attached to our license, it’s very simple to add a split. Let me show you how!
So, here we can see my elevation. I’ve got some quite tall units, and I’ve even got here a kicker at the bottom. And if I wanted to, I could extend this kicker all the way through. Now, if I was to go to S2M center at the moment without having added any splits… You’ll notice that once S2M center finishes loading, that in my list of parts, there are these red icons here. This is Cabinet Vision’s way of telling me that these parts are not going to fit on the materials that they are associated with. So knowing that, I still would like to have Cabinet Vision consider this as one end, but split in two when it is optimized and sent to the nester. So that is really easy to do. If I go back to my elevation view, and let’s just choose one of our cabinets. We’ll go to this tall unit here. I’ll double-click on him to get to the cabinet properties. And then from the end tab, if I click on the part that I want to add the split to—so we’ll go the unfinished right end—then I right-click and edit splits. You notice this menu will pop up, and now I can choose between a horizontal split in my part or a vertical split in my part. For this end, let’s add a horizontal split, and then wherever I want, I can just add these splits, and Cabinet Vision will then, when it goes to nest and optimize this part, split it where I have asked it to.
However, I’m just going to restart that there because often we want to add the splits in a very precise position. So if I use the measure tool, I’ve got this fixed shelf here in the middle. So that’s probably a good spot for me to add my split. If I would like, I could measure up to the fixed shelf. We’ll just go to the middle. So that’s 51 and 1/8. Now if I return to the splits menu—right end—and right-click ‘Edit Splits’ and then ‘Horizontal Splits’. If I just position my mouse over the bottom here, the zero point axis, and then if I click tab on my keyboard, on the left-hand side here I can put in a precise value where I would like to see this split. So if I go 51 and 1/8, there you go. You can see that Cabinet Vision has added the split right where I would like it. And now if we click ‘Return’, and ‘Yes’, then ‘Return’, that’s cabinet four… So you can see now if I sort my cabinets by number and we go down to four… I’ve got my two unfinished right ends. It’s really the same unit or the same part, we could say, but it’s been split in two, and it will fit on the sheet now, ready to nest.
And then just one more tip with that. We can, if we want to, save this unit with those splits where we want them to our catalog. So in the future, instead of having to add the splits to all of the parts again, if we know that we want to use a tall unit and we want the split at that point, we can just save it and reuse it really quickly and efficiently. Thanks for watching, and we hope that helps.
Hey, thanks again for watching. And we’re rapt to announce that we’re going to be launching soon an online learning platform that is going to help you learn and master Cabinet Vision at your very own pace. So if you’d like to learn more, or sign up to be a beta tester and receive exclusive early access, please feel free to click on the link in the description below.
Why Splitting Large Parts is a Game-Changer
Oversized parts can pose significant challenges during transportation, material optimization, and installation.
Consider this:
- Parts may be too big to fit on standard material sheets, leading to wasted material and inefficient nesting.
- Delivering large cabinets may require special equipment or vehicles.
- Installing oversized parts can be tricky, especially in tight spaces like elevators, staircases, or narrow hallways.
With Cabinet Vision’s xShaping module, you can easily split these parts into manageable sections while maintaining a seamless appearance in the final assembly.
Key Steps to Splitting Parts in Cabinet Vision
Here’s a quick overview of the process demonstrated in the video:
- Identify the Parts to Split:
In your elevation view, locate the oversized parts that need splitting. - Use the Splits Menu:
- Open the cabinet properties and select the part you want to split (e.g., an unfinished end or kicker).
- Right-click and choose Edit Splits.
- Add a Split:
- Select either a horizontal or vertical split.
- Use the Measure Tool to pinpoint the exact location for the split (e.g., aligned with a fixed shelf).
- Enter the precise measurement, and Cabinet Vision will add the split automatically.
- Optimize and Nest:
- The split parts will be recognized as separate sections during nesting, ensuring efficient material use.
Save Time by Reusing Split Designs
If you frequently work with tall or large cabinets, you can save split designs to your catalog. This allows you to reuse them in future projects without needing to manually reconfigure splits every time.
Why Cabinet Vision’s xShaping Module is Essential
- Material Efficiency: Splitting parts ensures better material usage and reduces waste.
- Easier Transport and Installation: Smaller sections are easier to deliver and fit through tight spaces.
- Precision and Flexibility: You can place splits exactly where you need them, ensuring a professional finish.
Watch and Learn
Ready to make your design process more efficient? Watch the embedded tutorial above to see how Cabinet Vision’s xShaping module can transform your workflow.
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